Choosing the right cannabis strain can be a minefield. Hopefully the following will be helpful.

As we all know by now, cannabis can be beneficial for a number of different reasons. Some turn to cannabis purely to relax and help them sleep, some use it purely for recreational purposes and many use the plant for medical reasons; for pain, insomnia and a whole manner of different ailments.

With that being said, simply smoking what catches your eye at the dispensary isn’t usually the best of options. Cannabis comes in a vast magnitude of strains, each with their own set of benefits and medicinal properties.

Choosing the Right Cannabis Strain – Indica and Sativa

Indica and Sativa are two species (not strains) of cannabis that both offer widely different effects. The first thing you should do when choosing the right strain is to decide between these two species of cannabis. Narrowing your search down to the perfect strain should always start here.

Cannabis Sativa

Cannabis Sativa is a good all-round species. This species of cannabis offers a light and energetic high, making it perfect for daytime use. The sativa plants are generally used for a boost of energy and an increase in focus. Many use cannabis Sativa for it’s heady, energetic high and allows for many benefits when going about day-to-day activities like work and chores.

Due to these stimulating properties, Sativa is commonly used to cure depression and alleviate symptoms of anxiety.

Cannabis Indica

Cannabis Indica is the exact opposite of its stimulating counterpart. It’s heavy, body high offers that token couch-lock experience synonymous with being ‘stoned’. Consequently, the relaxing properties make Indica a perfect sedative and is often used as a natural painkiller.

This species of cannabis is also known to give users ‘the munchies’ with its appetite increasing attribute. Making it ideal for those that suffer a decreased appetite or eating disorder.

Indica/Sativa Hybrids

If you can’t decide which of the above will be more beneficial to you, then fear not. Hybrid strains contain a balance of Indica and Sativa traits due to cross-breeding. By choosing a hybrid strain you can have the best of both worlds.

This isn’t an Exact Science

The above is a guideline, as opposed to an exact science. Due to decades of cross-breeding, some Indica plants can sometimes have Sativa characteristics and vice-versa. However, more often than not plants will be typical to their species.

CBD or THC Dominant

Due to CBD yielding no psychoactive effects, this cannabinoid is perfect for those that want to reap the many positives of cannabis without feeling high. On the other side of the proverbial coin we have THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). THC dominant strains are more for the recreational user. The psychoactive effects brought on by THC make it the cannabinoid you need for it to have any noticeable effect.

Choosing the Right Cannabis Strain – Taste

It goes without saying that if you’re on the hunt for the Holy Grail of strains, you’re going to want one you enjoy the taste of. This is where trial and error will come into play, but there’s certain strain families that will come with their own distinct aroma. Kush, for example, carries a strong earthy smell, whereas strains with fruit names in them often have an underlying hint of fruits and berries.

Once you have found a strain that you like the look of, you can usually get a pretty good idea on the taste it carries by reading reviews on websites such as Leafly. The only way to be sure, however, is of course to try.

Choosing the Right Strain – Summary

With an ever-growing catalog of just under 800 strains, it would be hard – but very fun – to attempt to try them all. The above should help to narrow down a few strains from the abundance of choices out there and whittle out those that would be of little use to your personal needs.

Happy smoking.



  1. The only and best Cannabis strain that I have been making use of for years is Durban Poison. It’s the best strain in Africa. I have never had any complications ever since I started using it.

  2. I had a very bad experience with using Cannabis Indica. It knocked me out senseless. It took 24 hours before I could regain myself again. It was why I had to stop using it.

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