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Do you grow your own cannabis?

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I did have a flower vase where I planted a few seeds of cannabis , it was just like a flower and I keep it at the balcony in the back of my house.

Have you grown your own cannabis?

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I would have loved to grow my own Cannabis because I know how profitable it can be but because it's not legally possible, I wouldn't be doing it. This is because I don't want to get into any problems with our government officials. 

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@igbaa I know it is not legal to cultivate it in large scale but I still know a few people who just play a few seeds in a flower vase and tend just as they would tend to their flowers.

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I have planted a few seeds of cannabis at the balcony of my apartment and soon enough they would start producing Sprouts though I just planted in a single vase and intends to keep it as a flower.

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I don't have the knowledge on how to cultivate and grow Cannabis. It's not something that I'm even willing to learn even though I'm well aware of how good it is when it comes to selling them and making money. I'm ready for the cases with the police arrest etc. 

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I don't have the means of growing my own Cannabis. Even if I have the means to grow it, I wouldn't be interested in doing so. This is because I don't want to get into any legal cases because it's against the law in my country to grow, use or sell Cannabis. 

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I have no means of growing my own Cannabis even if I have the knowledge of how to go about it. I live in a rented house with my parents. It's going to be impossible for me to grow it without them knowing. 

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Unfortunately, I don't have any the knowledge of how to grow my own Cannabis but it's something that I'm looking forward to learning. It's something that's of a good financial value, so I will learn it. 

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I have never cared enough about getting to grow my own Cannabis farm. The reason for this is that I will probably end up getting jailed because I will be caught. A lot of my neighbours have been in jail for 3 years as a result of being in line of growing and selling Cannabis. 

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My brother grow his own Cannabis but he manages to keep it hidden because it's if cops were to find out, he's going to arrested. I'm going to give it a try one day whenever I've my own house. 

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