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The Pros and Cons of Indoor Grows

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For many, indoor grows aren't merely the first choice, but also the only option. While there's an abundance of benefits to growing cannabis indoors, there does exist a handful of factors that can really throw a spanner into the works and have you heading out to the rural hills with a handful of seeds and a bucket full of hope.

Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of indoor cannabis grows. As I'm an optimistic farmer, we shall start with the benefits of a climate-controlled environment.

The Pros of Indoor Grows

  • Climate control: If there's one thing that you can't rely on, it's a weather forecast; or, for that matter, the weather itself. The power to control how much light and water your plants receive allows you to adapt according to the wants and needs of your crop. This brings me nicely on to the next 'pro' on my list.
  • Your crop will be safe from the elements: In its unpredictable nature, weather won't always react according to schedule. There's always a chance of either a deluge or a shortage of rain. Furthermore, dependent on where you live, it would be nigh-on impossible to grow a healthy crop in the Winter months.
  • Safe from discovery: With your grow safely between your own four walls, there's very little chance of discovery from either opportunist thieves or sniveling snitches (again, depending on where you live).
  • Less chance of pests: Unless you happen to have a free-range swarm of locusts flapping about your house, or a flock of hungry sheep wandering through your abode, the chances are that you won't have to deal with pests when growing cannabis inside. The various hungry little horrors that live in the wilds can cause a magnitude of issues for your plants.

While the above is far from a comprehensive list, it does highlight some of the better reasons to grow your cannabis indoors. Like I said, however, indoor grows don't come without their issues.

The Cons of Indoor Grows

  • Energy costs: With all that's going on in the world now, energy is an expensive commodity and cannabis grows are notorious for burning through the electricity supply. With lights upward of 1,000 watts, growing cannabis without the help of the sun can be an expensive option.
  • Smell: It's no surprise that a cannabis grow can exude a heavy, distinctive aroma through its various stages and, to many, this is one of the main drawbacks of indoor cannabis growing. However, the use of an activated carbon filter can greatly dissipate this familiar smell and help you remain discreet in your horticultural activities.
  • Discovery: If you have kids or nosy relatives living with you, it will be almost impossible to grow cannabis without your crops being accidentally stumbled upon. While a lock on the door will keep the kids away, it will just make Grandma more curious.
  • Space: When you factor in ducting, tent space and outlet access, space can be a big issue for many looking to grow from home. An ideal solution for this would be to grow autoflowering strains. These are designed to be neat and compact and seldom grow over two-feet tall.

As I wrote up there somewhere ( ^ ) this isn't a comprehensive list of pros and cons but merely a highlighting of the main ones. When all is said and done, I'd much prefer to grow within my own home. I have a far too active imagination to sit worrying about my beloved crop falling into the hands of lucky thieves and pests. Feel free to drop any more pros and cons into the replies 🙂


Stay Toked.


Trusted Member
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 47

This is a very informative article on the Pros and Cons of Indoor Grows. I'm yet to start growing Cannabis because our government is giving us a tough time with several busting and arrest. I will keep this information in mind when I start growing. 

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Joined: 1 year ago
Posts: 55

Unfortunately, even though I know this information is correct and it's going to be very helpful for me should I be interested in growing my own Cannabis indoors, I won't still do it because I'm scared to death of getting arrested by the cops. I don't want to break my probation which might send me back to prison. 

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Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 78

The fear of being discovered that you are making use of marijuana is something that leads a lot of people to growing them in their house so that nobody will know that they are doing something like that and it's a very good strategy in my own opinion if I should ever consider to grow my own. 

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