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Did your parents use Cannabis?

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A lot of parents use Cannabis or Weed but will always hide it from their kids to find out. Kids might not know how to manage using it in a healthy way. I never knew my parents used till I became an adult. 

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I didn't see any of them use cannabis though I know  some of my relatives who use cannabis though.

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Posted by: @teegee

I didn't see any of them use cannabis though I know  some of my relatives who use cannabis though.

Parents can be very good at hiding some certain things that they are involved with from their kids especially when they are still younger just do protect them. I understood my parents reasons for not letting me know about their Cannabis smoking habit till I became an adult. 

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@dori that's understandable, sometimes they just tell me to avoid it and they wouldn't describe their experience with it in details ,my uncle is much different he just discuss s about cannabis with me freely and tries to tell his experiences so I could learn from them.

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I don't know if my parents used Cannabis. My father looks very suspicious like someone who's been using but I have no proof about it. I can vouch for my mother that she doesn't use but I might be wrong anyways. 

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It was only my father that used to smoke Cannabis. He was so addicted to it but in a healthy way. He was never influenced by it to be bad or aggressive to his family. He taught me a lot about how to use. 

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@zuby some people can be addicted and start exhibiting various unwanted behaviours but if you smoke for the right reasons you wouldn't be Influenced to do those unwanted behaviours.

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Posted by: @teegee

@zuby some people can be addicted and start exhibiting various unwanted behaviours but if you smoke for the right reasons you wouldn't be Influenced to do those unwanted behaviours.

Exactly, it's why when I see young people who can't be able to deal with smoking Cannabis taking it and I'm like what's their plan? It usually doesn't go so well for them. 


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I'm not sure if my parents used Cannabis. It's not something that's going to be very easy for me to find out on my own without asking them.


Now, asking them about it is going to bring up a lot of questions and suspicion that I'm not ready to subject myself to. 

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Posted by: @teegee

@dori that's understandable, sometimes they just tell me to avoid it and they wouldn't describe their experience with it in details ,my uncle is much different he just discuss s about cannabis with me freely and tries to tell his experiences so I could learn from them.

Personally, I believe that it's good for parents to tell their kids about their using of Cannabis. They should help them understand why and know how to go about it because when they hide it, kids will be interested to know more and they might take it the wrong way. 


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Yes, my parents used Cannabis very well. In fact, they were the one's that introduced me to using Cannabis in order to make sure that I use it moderately and never abuse. This is because a lot of folks in my neighbourhood abuse it. They don't want me to be that way. 

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Posted by: @shiek

Yes, my parents used Cannabis very well. In fact, they were the one's that introduced me to using Cannabis in order to make sure that I use it moderately and never abuse. This is because a lot of folks in my neighbourhood abuse it. They don't want me to be that way. 

This is the reason why I say that it's only right for parents who make use of Cannabis to do the right thing by teaching their kids the right thing to do because their kids would listen to them better than outsiders. But if you hide it from them, they will eventually learn it from their peer groups. 


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Honestly, I can't really say for sure if my parents made use of Cannabis. If they did, it's only going to be my father. My mother is too religious for her to smoke even ordinary cigarettes and not to talk about Cannabis. 

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Posted by: @jega

Honestly, I can't really say for sure if my parents made use of Cannabis. If they did, it's only going to be my father. My mother is too religious for her to smoke even ordinary cigarettes and not to talk about Cannabis. 

It's better if you can avoid using Cannabis completely. Even though there are some good benefits of using it, the bad effects are there too. So, it's good that your mother stayed away from it. 


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