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Do you fancy smoking and taking alcohol together?

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Sometimes I like to smoke cannabis with a can or class of fruit juice or soda and I have also taken alcohol while I smoked.

Do you fancy doing both at the same time?

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I do drink some of the time when I have to smoke but it's not juice of soda that I drink. I prefer to drink scotch whenever I'm using Cannabis. It's double highness which helps to stimulate the feelings very well. 

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I only make use of Red Bull whenever I'm smoking. It's a very good energy drink. I love the taste of it and how it makes me feel when drinking it and smoking. 

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@zuby as long as you are comfortable with it you could do that, I know a few people that would prefer smoking with taking any drink except water.

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Posted by: @teegee

@zuby as long as you are comfortable with it you could do that, I know a few people that would prefer smoking with taking any drink except water.

You know very well that some of the drinks that we take are very harsh reactives when you get mixed with Cannabis which is why I am very careful with the kind of liquids that I drink whenever I am smoking so that I don't add up things that is going to make it to have adverse effect on me. 


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My head isn't that too strong to carry both the influence of Cannabis and alcoholic beverages at the same time. 

It's most likely going to drive me crazy. I would never willingly combine both of them together and consume it. 

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It's only those who can't take in on heavy usage of Cannabis that can't smoke and drink strong alcoholic beverages at the same time. 

It can get nasty if you're not built for it and it's why I don't encourage most people to get into smoking and drinking. 

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No, I don't do both of them at the same time because I don't have the head to carry both alcohol and Cannabis at the same time.

It's either I drink alcoholic beverages or I smoke Cannabis. Combining both of them at once will be suicide for me 😂. 

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Smoking Cannabis and drinking of alcoholic beverage isn't something that I do very often unless something serious is bothering me which would make me drink and smoke in order for me to get very high, feel so good and forget the issue for some hours. 

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Posted by: @jon1

Smoking Cannabis and drinking of alcoholic beverage isn't something that I do very often unless something serious is bothering me which would make me drink and smoke in order for me to get very high, feel so good and forget the issue for some hours. 

You should take it easy whenever you're in such mood that gets you to drink and smoke Cannabis at the same time. If care isn't taken, it's in such situations one gets to overdose. Make sure you do so with someone around to check in on you. 


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I've taken alcoholic beverages and also smoked a lot of Cannabis at the same time which never did nothing too much for me that is above the usual things that I normally feel whenever I make use of them. I don't see how I'm going to be worried over it because it doesn't affect me too much. 

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Posted by: @jega

I've taken alcoholic beverages and also smoked a lot of Cannabis at the same time which never did nothing too much for me that is above the usual things that I normally feel whenever I make use of them. I don't see how I'm going to be worried over it because it doesn't affect me too much. 


I can't imagine smoking weed and drinking alcoholic beverages at the same time. It's going to be too much for me to withstand both of them. It's either I smoke or drink. I won't both at once. 


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It is either I am smoking Cannabis or I am drinking. It is never advisable for you to combine both of them at once especially if you don't know if your body system can be able to withstand the pressure it is going to apply on you. 

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