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Do you know how to ride a bicycle?

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I actually didn't learn how to ride a bike and till date I still haven't learnt how to ride one.

Do you know how to ride and bike and what time of your life did you learn it?

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It's something that I know how to do right from my childhood. My father taught me how to ride a bicycle and I mastered it with my fellow kids driving in the neighbourhood. 

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I don't think that there's anyone who doesn't know how to ride a bicycle in my neighbourhood when we were still kids. I can even freestyle while ride my bicycle but it took me a while before I mastered it. I had a few fall when learning it. 

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Posted by: @chibu

I don't think that there's anyone who doesn't know how to ride a bicycle in my neighbourhood when we were still kids. I can even freestyle while ride my bicycle but it took me a while before I mastered it. I had a few fall when learning it. 


Unfortunately my friend, I'm among the people who doesn't know how ride a bicycle as an adult as far as I can remember. I have never used it once as an adult. I might used it as a kid but I have no knowledge of how to ride one now. 


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It's not a difficult task to ride a bicycle. I used bicycles a lot when I was still a kid. We had lots of space to ride all over. 

What I'm interested in learning now is how to pull off great stunts when riding. I know that it's dangerous but I'm willing to try. 

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Posted by: @jon1

It's not a difficult task to ride a bicycle. I used bicycles a lot when I was still a kid. We had lots of space to ride all over. 

What I'm interested in learning now is how to pull off great stunts when riding. I know that it's dangerous but I'm willing to try. 

I'm sure that you're aware that learning how to pull off great stunts when riding a bike comes with a lot of risk and it's injury prone? If you're not careful, you may end up breaking your neck. 

Just be careful mate. 


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I know how to ride a bicycle ever since I was a kid because I had one which was purchased for me by my father and he taught me how to make use of it.


I made use of bicycles when I was still going to high school because the distance from my house is not that far and I don't need to take the school bus, so I normally made use of my bicycle to go to school. 

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No, I don't know how to ride a bike. I might have used a bike when I was a kid but not very often. I can ride a motorcycle though. It's way more easier riding a motorcycle than a bike. 

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It is not very difficult for you to ride a bicycle. It is something which I learnt how to do when I was still 5 years old. I can still ride any kind of bicycle today without any challenges. 

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