For some, auto flowering cannabis strains can be a gift from the Gods of Ganja. With their unique growing traits and hardy nature, they make for an ideal option for beginner growers and veterans alike. So, what exactly are auto flowering cannabis strains and how can they help us?

What is Auto Flowering Cannabis?

Auto flowering cannabis seeds grow plants that are a bred with ruderalis strains. Previously, ruderalis were low-THC and low-yield plants. This problem was overcome by cross-breeding the strains with popular strains such as Bubble Gum Kush and the highly-esteemed Northern Lights. Over the decades, a plethora of new auto flowering strains have been added to the ever-growing list as their popularity has bloomed among the cannabis growing community.

Reasons to Grow Auto Flowering Strains

Their Hardy Nature

The word ‘ruderalis’ comes from the Latin word ‘rūdus’, which literally translates to ‘rubble’ or ‘debris’. In the madcap world of botany, a ruderal plant is one that grows on wasteland among rubble, so it’s easy to see where auto flowers get their hardy ways. In fact, cannabis ruderalis was first discovered in the cold climates of Russia.

Alongside their ability to grow in impossible places, ruderalis cannabis is known to be able to withstand conditions that a photoperiodic plant would perish under. Light pollution isn’t a factor with auto flowering cannabis strains, for instance, and you’re far less likely to lose a crop due to pests, mold, over-watering or under-watering.

These traits make auto flowering strains an absolute ideal for beginners.

Faster Turnaround

While photoperiodic plants will start to bloom at between eight and ten weeks, an auto flowering cannabis strain will be ready for harvest around this time. The short and speedy lifecycle of auto flowering plants is the main reason for their huge popularity. After all, who wants to wait longer than absolutely necessary to harvest their plants?

Auto Flowering Cannabis Plants are a lot Smaller

Usually, an auto flowering cannabis plant will grow to a maximum height of around 120cm, often even shorter. This makes them an ideal choice for those that haven’t got the space for Audrey 2, or those seeking a little discretion. Their short stature also means more plants can be grown in the space available to the grower.

No Strict Lighting Schedule

As auto flower cannabis strains flower regardless of their lighting conditions, they don’t need to be placed under strict lighting conditions. Photoperiodic plants need to light to grow and use their hours in the dark to repair and build themselves. Auto flowers, however, can be placed under a light for the duration of their cycle. This means that you don’t need to buy timer switches or worry about light leaking into your grow room or tent.

Auto Flowering Cannabis is Perfect for Outdoor Stealth Grows

Due to their short height and resistance to pests and diseases auto flowering cannabis plants make for the perfect subject when growing an outdoor crop in a remote location. Often called a ‘guerrilla grow’, this kind of operation often calls for stealth and discretion, making auto flowering strains an ideal choice for these horticultural ninjas.


If you’re looking to start growing cannabis, auto flowering strains are the best choice for you. Forgiving in nature, these plants are far less likely to die due to rookie mistakes such as over/under feeding, unwanted pests, light pollution and grow tent temperature. They’re small size also makes for a far more manageable crop.

Auto flowering cannabis will give a novice grower some valuable hands-on experience and is the ideal foundation on which to build. With that being said, this doesn’t mean that a veteran grower can’t reap the same benefits that auto flowering cannabis strains have to offer.


1 Comment

  1. Auto Flowering Strains Cannabis seems to be a very good strain to grow. I have never grown any Cannabis strain in the past but it looks like it’s something that I should be doing for myself now. Durban Poison have been good to me but I have to consider Auto Flowering Strains.

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