
Trusted Member
Joined: Oct 18, 2022
Last seen: Jul 27, 2024
Topics: 6 / Replies: 41
RE: Where is the weirdest place you've smoked cannabis?

If smoking in my car would be considered as an odd or weird place to smoke my Cannabis, then it's the place for me. Although, I don't smoke in the car...

2 years ago
RE: Did your parents use Cannabis?

I'm not sure if my parents used Cannabis. It's not something that's going to be very easy for me to find out on my own without asking them. Now,...

2 years ago
RE: Does cannabis make you dizzy or keeps you active?

It depends on why I'm smoking in the first place. If I want to be very active, there's a quantity of Cannabis that I need to smoke which is going to g...

2 years ago
RE: Cooking and eating cannabis

I'm not a fan of cooking Cannabis. It doesn't feel right for me to make use it in that manner. I go the original way of using Cannabis which is...

2 years ago
RE: Have you had any complications smoking any Cannabis strain?

Apart from getting knocked out from smoking, I haven't had any complications with my Cannabis smoking. Maybe those that's having complications have ...

2 years ago
RE: Smoking indoor or outdoor?

I don't like it when the whole world know that I'm smoking Cannabis. It's why I only prefer to smoke my Cannabis indoors. I even try as much as...

2 years ago
RE: How old were you when you started smoking cannabinoids?

This is why I find it very difficult to start any relationship with any girl. Most of them doesn't understand me at all. They always have a reason to ...

2 years ago
RE: Granddaddy Purple or Purple Kush?

I haven't used either Granddaddy Purple or Purple Kush. If I'm being very honest, I don't have any special cannabis strain that I make use of. I just ...

2 years ago
RE: Do you know how to roll your cannabis?

As shameful as it sounds, till date, I don't know how to roll my own weed rap. Well, it doesn't bother me that much because I always smoke with my fri...

2 years ago
RE: Do you fancy smoking and taking alcohol together?

My head isn't that too strong to carry both the influence of Cannabis and alcoholic beverages at the same time. It's most likely going to drive me ...

2 years ago
RE: At what age did you start smoking cannabis?

I was very scared of smoking even cigarettes when I was still a teenager. My parents were so strict with me that it became an impossible situation for...

2 years ago
RE: What is cannabis called in your locality?

I have always known it to be called Indian Hemp, Marijuana or Cannabis. Those three names are the commonly used names that are used to identify it.

2 years ago
RE: Does Cannabis affect men and woman the same way?

I'm not sure if it affects men and women differently but I believe that it's all about how different our body systems reacts to it. It might affect ...

2 years ago
RE: What's the best soil for growing Cannabis?

In most cases, loamy soil should be the best soil for growing Cannabis. It's the soil my father used to grow his own Cannabis and it was working well....

2 years ago
Replies: 15
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